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employeeMaret Gerz Tartu,, Estonia

Maret Gerz

PhD student
maret.gerz [at]

J. Liivi st. 2- 515

The main focus of my PhD thesis is the mycorrhization of plant communities. During my studies I plan to develop a method which enables to evaluate communities’ mycorrhization quantitatively and then describe different plant communities using this method.  I’m also interested in the connections between the mycorrhization of plant communities and environmental and human impact gradients (soil fertility, pH, land use intensity). In addition I want to find out how different mycorrhizal types are distributed in plant communities in local and broader scale.

The supervisor of my thesis is Mari Moora and C. Guillermo Bueno.

Selected papers:

Gerz, M., Bueno, C. G., Zobel, M. & Moora, M. 2016. Plant community mycorrhization in temperate forests and grasslands: relations with edaphic properties and plant diversity. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 89-99.

Garcia de Leon, D.; Moora, M.; Öpik, M.; Neuenkamp, L.; Gerz, M.; Jairus, T.; Vasar, M.; Bueno, C. G.; Davison, J. & Zobel, M. 2016. Symbiont dynamics during ecosystem succession: co-occurring plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology doi:10.1093/femsec/fiw097.